Cross-Border Energy Transactions: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities in North America

  • 31 Oct 2013
  • 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • University of Colorado Law School, Room 101, Colorado Law School Wolf Law Building 2450 Kittredge Loop Boulder, CO 80309
North America is rapidly becoming a global energy powerhouse with the substantial increase in unconventional oil and gas production, regulatory changes that promise to open up investment in key energy sectors, and ongoing efforts to integrate energy markets across Canada, the United States and Mexico. Ongoing market integration has brought with it significant growth in cross-border energy transactions. This conference will explore key aspects of the growing business of cross-border energy transactions across North America and the prospects for continued integration of North American energy markets.

Join us in Boulder, Colorado, on Thursday, October 31, 2013, for a half-day conference on Cross-Border Energy Transactions. Academics, industry leaders, and practicing attorneys will come together to discuss the current state of energy transactions and share their thoughts on the future during a time of dramatic changes in the global energy industry. Panelists and speakers will address the recent growth in unconventional oil and gas development and its implications for cross-border transactions, changing regulatory contexts for cross-border energy investments and project development, and the policy and regulatory changes necessary to spur additional integration of North American energy markets.

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